Nexus Humani - Special Editions


Awareness and human development: Growing seeds for a civilisational paradigm change


Densifying life within and creating the space for meaningful experiences


Learning from indigenous and ancient wisdoms and engaging for Earth protection

The Special Editions - Ecosystems of Nexus Humani have emerged from my worldwide explorations and life-changing experiences at the heart of indigenous and ancient knowledge, values and belief systems on the sacredness of the people-planet-cosmos axis.

Ecosystems - As I work for the emergence of a civilisational paradigm that supports Earth protection within a complex ecosystem of interrelated dynamics (human, Earth-Cosmos, sacred, socio-cultural, systemic), the Special Editions focus on two initiatives to reach this goal.



Earth Protection - Through the Lens of Indigenous and Ancient Wisdoms

Experiential Education and Media-related Advocacy

* The Special Edition, Earth Protection - Through the Lens of Indigenous and Ancient Wisdoms, concentrates on experiential education and media-related advocacy. It engages and supports dynamic ecosystems that are composed of indigenous peoples and UN, higher education, media and NGO partners to develop and deliver content and actions for Earth protection. It is about motivating change at the human, community, institutional and policy levels. 

Directly connected to Nexus Humani´s  international field research and advocacy project (launched in 2020),  Roadmap for a Life-sustaining People-Planet Paradigm, this Special Edition has two main fields of intervention:

Documentary filmmaking - I am now working on the development of a documentary film on Earth protection that involves indigenous peoples and that highlights the knowledge and wisdoms of past European civilisations, including the Moors of Al-Andalus and the Megalithic peoples.

Experiential education and media-related advocacy - I support partners with research, content creation and storytelling to develop and to deliver education and advocacy projects that have a media orientation and far-reaching individual and community impacts. They are meant to engage and to activate partner ecosystems.

Contact me for more information 

Journey into Sacred Geometry - A Common Thread

* The Special Edition, Journey into Sacred Geometry - A Common Thread, focuses on sacred art and geometry in relation to the principle of interconnectedness and unity that I explore in my work and encounters with indigenous peoples and world civilisations. 

I design and paint Sacred Geometry art forms with a focus on the sacredness of the people-planet-cosmos axis. Sacred geometry is a common and unifying thread between world civilisations and peoples and a means to dive into broader life perspectives.  

The making of sacred geometry art forms is a meditative process that unravels individuals´ inner ecosystems and realities while connecting them to a lively space of creation and creativity. In silence and contemplation, shapes and colours emerge as well as a new density of being. 

The Special Editions complement Nexus Humani´s Integrated Consulting and Experiential Learning Model and the SDG Simulation Hubs


Contact me for more information on workshops 

 Visit also the Impromptu - Art Gallery