Integrated consulting and experiential learning model: Management, synergies and human development

Indigenous Peoples - United Nations - Higher Education - NGOs - Business - Media Advocacy Actors

Managing change and supporting partners in Earth justice-protection projects

Integrating indigenous wisdoms in human development and Earth protection actions

Creating pathways and connecting people across sectors for Earth protection

From global to local actions, Earth protection calls for a common vision, clear directions and the alignment of human and institutional capacities to set purposes. With this in mind, Nexus Humani´s integrated consulting and experiential learning model supports both people and systems to address today´s most pressing environmental challenges - climate change, freshwater scarcity, deforestation, the degradation of ecosystems, food insecurity and related health issues.

Project management for change, experiential education for advocacy, and synergies development are part of Nexus Humani´s consulting services. Its training programmes, including the SDG Simulation Hubs and its experiential education and media-related advocacy initatives, empower people, teams and institutions with the skills, knowledge and tools to engage for Earth protection.

As a World Explorer with a strong passion for the sacredness of the people-planet-cosmos axis, and the Founder of Nexus Humani, I work with indigenous, UN, university, NGO and business partners  in Asia, Europe and North America. New directions and interventions in South America are now taking shape.

Drawing on my learning journey(s) with indigenous peoples and on my world experiences in far-reaching human-Earth initiatives, I focus on the integration of indigenous and ancient knowledge in programmes that raise awareness and that motivate change for sustainable living.


Focus areas: Earth protection, indigenous environmental knowledge and wisdoms, climate change, health, sustainable water management, deforestation, the preservation of ecosystems and food security    

I thrive in professional environments that are ambitious, multicultural, interdisciplinary and forward-looking.

From managing a UN partnership project for the empowerment of HIV-positive women in Asia, to facilitating SDG Simulation Hubs in European universities, and to conducting field interviews in media-related advocacy work, I have learned to leverage systemic potentials and to engage people in diverse cultural and institutional contexts.  

Nexus Humani - Its expertise and scope of work: 

- Listening, sensing, observing, engaging and understanding people dynamics and contexts to provide clear methodologies and far-reaching directions 

- Creating a culture of positive and dynamic work relationships with the aim to organically develop-facilitate partner ecosystems that deliver set Earth protection objectives

- Developing targeted content and compelling narratives to engage people, partners and audiences 

- Bringing to light and addressing human and systemic bottlenecks with directions that promote ownership among involved parties for concerted solutions and actions       



Focus areas: Inclusive leadership, resilience, ethics, change management, negotiations and multi-stakeholder engagement

Via Nexus Humani´s workshops and educational programmes for advocacy, including the SDG Simulation Hubs, I facilitate tailor-made, world-connected and experiential learning environments that foster human and institutional development, preparedness and resilience.

Indigenous environmental knowledge and wisdoms as related to the people-planet-cosmos axis are fully integrated in the content and methodological aspects of Nexus Humani´s capacity development programmes.

Fields of intervention include Earth protection, climate change, health, sustainable water management, deforestation, preservation of ecosystems and food security.

The training and experiential learning programmes of Nexus Humani feature a set of engaging simulation-based activities, team challenges and individual tasks that raise awareness and that motivate change. Participants grow their skills and apply their newly acquired knowledge, skills and tools in real-life situations and action planning for change.

Nexus Humani´s expertise and scope of work:

- Closely working with partners to assess and to understand learning needs, contexts and objectives

- Creating content, narratives and storytelling that activate curiosity and that take participants beyond their `comfort zones` -> As a World Explorer, I use and share stories of special encounters and captivating life experiences

- Developing experiential education and training materials that create a sense of ownership in the participants´ learning journey and that are solution-oriented

- Going beyond the walls, touching hearts and bringing the world into the lives of participants